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Web Design, Graphic Design, SEO in Grand Rapids, MI

So… you’ve arrived here while looking for a web design team in Grand Rapids MI; a team of talented graphic design professionals with experience with interactive media and database development based Michigan. A team recommended by 4 out of 5 people that recommend things. You’ve found us, how cool is that?

However, this is our OLD SITE for testing, please head over to our NEW & IMPROVED SITE

It’s not just about web design

But it’s not about us or even about the design services we’ve been providing to clients around the globe since the 80’s. It’s not about our web design, development and search marketing services we’ve been offering since the the mid-90’s, making us one of the most experienced firms in the area. It’s not even that we fix bad websites, is it?

It’s not even about the articles of random interest we write that might amuse/educate/inform you.

It’s really all about YOU!

It’s about YOUR ebusiness / ecommerce / sales / marketing / promotion / education / entertainment needs; how well we listen to you; our understanding of your audience; what we do to provide a solution to your specific needs; and how to measure and deliver success regardless of the media employed.

It’s about your partner and allies

It’s about you choosing to partner with the Imagination Factory, whether on a single web design project, a full cross-media marketing campaign or for search engine optimization (SEO).

It’s about your marketing efforts

It’s about everything from logos and corporate identities to printsignage and web design to interactive multimedia and e-business internet / intranet / extranet application development and hosting.

It’s about whether our design efforts will save/make you money in the long run. It’s about whether working with us saves you time, reduces stress, & increases your revenue.

It’s about you, our clients, in manufacturing, service, education, media, entertainment, sports, retail / e-tail and government sectors.

The Imagination Factory • 15 Ionia Ave. SW, Suite 220 • Grand Rapids, MI 49503 • phone: 616.356.CLIK (2545) • fax: 616.356.2546 • email: Contact Us Online

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