The Imagination Factory

A website is a website

June 2nd, 2012 by Ted Bailey

Wow, really?  That takes me back to the 60’s when we also thought a horse was a horse.. unless, of course, that horse was the famous Mr. Ed.

I suppose that if all you’re looking for is a tax write-off and/or to get the marketing department to quit bellyaching about not having one, then perhaps a static website that looks like it is from the 90′s and drives little or no traffic and generates few, if any leads will do just fine for you. However, for the rest of you that are looking to invest in an asset that will not only build your brand, but gain you visibility, increase trust and ultimately generate more sales… then not all websites are created equal.

Why do you want a website?

You should first decide why you want a web presence and how it is going to help you or your company before moving forward. These answers will significantly determine how the site should be designed and built as well as the funds/resources required to achieve those goals. Usually, a company wants a website for some basic reasons, including:

  • To increase sales and/or leads
  • To provide company information to prospects and/or investors
  • To increase brand awareness, exposure and/or trust
  • To create a method to stay in touch with clients.
  • To open an online e-commerce channel
  • To utilize / leverage social media


  • To be cool and/or awesome

What do ‘they’ want from you?

Of course, its an ‘information highway’ not a one way street, isn’t it? So your site also needs to answer your prospect, lead, customer, investor, stakeholder, visitor’s needs as well. Whether you are a B2B, B2C, B2B2C, it boils down to people interacting with other people. It’s a person that ultimately will decide to buy your product, use your service, donate to your cause and their needs, wants, and goals are likely to be different than your stated reasons for having a site.

As I mentioned in an earlier article ‘Deja Vu & Repeat Visitors‘, here is a partial list of things that PEOPLE WANT in life. If your site includes fresh and interactive content that addresses some of these WANTS, then they will keep coming back to your site.

  • People want to know how to make money.
  • People want to find ways to win money.
  • People want to learn how to save money.
  • People want to lose weight.
  • People want to look / feel better.
  • People want to have a better sex life.
  • People want to have a happier home life.
  • People want to have more knowledge.
  • People want to help others.
  • People want to experience personal success in life.
  • People want to develop friendships.

So how are you going to merge your website goals with their wants / needs? You might be able to determine much of this on your own, but don’t be afraid to ask us. If you communicate your goals honestly and clearly as well as who your target audience with us… we can, in most cases, develop a better strategy of how to make your website a win/win proposition for you and your customer.

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