The Imagination Factory

Colours A-G

AliceBlue AntiqueWhite AntiqueWhite1 AntiqueWhite2 AntiqueWhite3 AntiqueWhite4 Aquamarine Aquamarine1
eff7ff f9e8d2 feedd6 ebdbc5 c8b9a6 817468 43b7ba 87fdce
239-247-255 249-232-210 254-237-214 235-219-197 200-185-166 129-116-104 67-183-186 135-253-206
Aquamarine2 Aquamarine3 Aquamarine4 Azure Azure2 Azure3 Azure4 Beige
7deabe 69c69f 416c64 efffff deecec bcc7c7 7a7d7d f5f3d7
125-234-190 105-198-159 65-108-100 239-255-255 222-236-236 188-199-199 122-125-125 245-243-215
Bisque Bisque2 Bisque3 Bisque4 Black BlanchedAlmond Blue Blue1
fde0bc ead0ae c7af92 816e59 000000 fee8c6 0000ff 1535ff
253-224-188 234-208-174 199-175-146 129-110-89 0-0-0 254-232-198 0-0-255 21-53-255
Blue2 Blue3 Blue4 BlueViolet Brown Brown1 Brown2 Brown3
1531ec 1528c7 151b7e 7931df 980517 f63526 e42d17 c22217
21-49-236 21-40-199 21-27-126 121-49-223 152-5-23 246-53-38 228-45-23 194-34-23
Burlywood1 Burlywood2 Burlywood3 Burlywood4 CadetBlue CadetBlue1 CadetBlue2 CadetBlue3
fcce8e eabe83 c6a06d 806341 578693 99f3ff 8ee2ec 77bfc7
252-206-142 234-190-131 198-160-109 128-99-65 87-134-147 153-243-255 142-226-236 119-191-199
CadetBlue4 Chartreuse Chartreuse2 Chartreuse3 Chartreuse4 Chocolate Coral Coral2
4c787e 8afb17 7fe817 6cc417 437c17 c85a17 f76541 e55b3c
76-120-126 138-251-23 127-232-23 108-196-23 67-124-23 200-90-23 247-101-65 229-91-60
Coral3 Coral4 CornflowerBlue Cornsilk Cornsilk2 Cornsilk3 Cornsilk4 Cyan
c34a2c 7e2817 151b8d fff7d7 ece5c6 c8c2a7 817a68 00ffff
195-74-44 126-40-23 21-27-141 255-247-215 236-229-198 200-194-167 129-122-104 0-255-255
Cyan1 Cyan2 Cyan3 Cyan4 DarkGoldenrod DkGoldenrod1 DkGoldenrod2 DkGoldenrod3
57feff 50ebec 46c7c7 307d7e af7817 fbb117 e8a317 c58917
87-254-255 80-235-236 70-199-199 48-125-126 175-120-23 251-177-23 232-163-23 197-137-23
DkGoldenrod4 DarkGreen DarkKhaki DkOliveGreen DkOliveGreen1 DkOliveGreen2 DkOliveGreen3 DkOliveGreen4
7f5217 254117 b7ad59 4a4117 ccfb5d bce954 a0c544 667c26
127-82-23 37-65-23 183-173-89 74-65-23 204-251-93 188-233-84 160-197-68 102-124-38
DarkOrange DarkOrange1 DarkOrange2 DarkOrange3 DarkOrange4 DarkOrchid DarkOrchid1 DarkOrchid2
f88017 f87217 e56717 c35617 7e3117 7d1b7e b041ff a23bec
248-128-23 248-114-23 229-103-23 195-86-23 126-49-23 125-27-126 176-65-255 162-59-236
DarkOrchid3 DarkOrchid4 DarkSalmon DarkSeaGreen DarkSeaGreen1 DarkSeaGreen2 DarkSeaGreen3 DarkSeaGreen4
8b31c7 571b7e e18b6b 8bb381 c3fdb8 b5eaaa 99c68e 617c58
139-49-199 87-27-126 225-139-107 139-179-92 195-253-184 181-234-170 153-198-142 97-124-88
DarkSlateBlue DarkSlateGray DarkSlateGray1 DarkSlateGray2 DarkSlateGray3 DarkSlateGray4 DarkTurquoise DarkViolet
2b3856 25383c 9afeff 8eebec 78c7c7 4c7d7e 3b9c9c 842dce
43-56-86 37-56-60 154-254-255 142-235-236 120-199-199 76-125-126 59-156-156 132-45-206
DeepPink DeepPink2 DeepPink3 DeepPink4 DeepSkyBlue DeepSkyBlue2 DeepSkyBlue3 DeepSkyBlue4
f52887 e4287c c12267 7d053f 3bb9ff 38acec 3090c7 25587e
245-40-135 228-40-124 193-34-103 125-5-63 59-185-255 56-172-236 48-144-199 37-88-126
DimGray DodgerBlue DodgerBlue2 DodgerBlue3 DodgerBlue4 Firebrick Firebrick1 Firebrick2
463e41 1589ff 157dec 1569c7 153e7e 800517 f62817 e42217
70-62-65 21-137-255 21-125-236 21-105-199 21-62-126 128-5-23 246-40-23 228-34-23
Firebrick3 FloralWhite ForestGreen Gainsboro GhostWhite Gold Gold1 Gold2
c11b17 fff9ee 4e9258 d8d9d7 f7f7ff d4a017 fdd017 eac117
193-27-23 255-249-238 78-146-88 216-217-215 247-247-255 212-160-23 253-208-23 234-193-23
Gold3 Gold4 Goldenrod Goldenrod1 Goldenrod2 Goldenrod3 Goldenrod4 Gray
c7a317 806517 edda74 fbb917 e9ab17 c68e17 805817 736f6e
199-163-23 128-101-23 237-218-116 251-185-23 233-171-23 198-142-23 128-88-23 115-111-110
Gray0 Gray100 Gray18 Gray21 Gray23 Gray24 Gray25 Gray26
150517 ffffff 250517 2b1b17 302217 302226 342826 34282c
21-5-23 255-255-255 37-5-23 43-27-23 48-34-23 48-34-38 52-40-38 52-40-44
Gray27 Gray28 Gray29 Gray30 Gray31 Gray32 Gray33 Gray34
382d2c 3b3131 3e3535 413839 41383c 463e3c 4a4344 4c4646
56-45-44 59-49-49 62-53-53 65-56-57 65-56-60 70-62-60 74-67-68 76-70-70
Gray35 Gray36 Gray37 Gray38 Gray39 Gray40 Gray41 Gray42
4e4848 504a4b 544e4f 565051 595454 5c5858 5c5858 5f5a59
78-72-72 80-74-75 84-78-79 86-80-81 89-84-84 92-88-88 92-88-88 95-90-89
Gray43 Gray44 Gray45 Gray46 Gray47 Gray48 Gray49 Gray50
625d5d 646060 666362 696565 6d6968 6e6a6b 726e6d 747170
98-93-93 100-96-96 102-99-98 105-101-101 109-105-104 110-106-107 114-110-109 116-113-112

The Imagination Factory • 15 Ionia Ave. SW, Suite 220 • Grand Rapids, MI 49503 • phone: 616.356.CLIK (2545) • fax: 616.356.2546 • email: Contact Us Online

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