The Imagination Factory

Colours G-N

Gray51 Gray52 Gray53 Gray54 Gray55 Gray56 Gray57 Gray58
787473 7a7777 7c7979 807d7c 82807e 858381 878583 8b8987
120-116-115 122-119-119 124-121-121 128-125-124 130-128-126 133-131-129 135-133-131 139-137-135
Gray59 Gray60 Gray61 Gray62 Gray63 Gray64 Gray65 Gray66
8d8b89 8f8e8d 939190 959492 999795 9a9998 9e9c9b a09f9d
141-139-137 143-142-141 147-145-144 149-148-146 153-151-149 154-153-152 158-156-155 160-159-157
Gray67 Gray68 Gray69 Gray70 Gray71 Gray72 Gray73 Gray74
a3a2a0 a5a4a3 a9a8a6 acaba9 aeadac b1b1af b3b3b1 b7b6b4
163-162-160 165-164-163 169-168-166 172-171-169 174-173-172 177-177-175 179-179-177 183-182-180
Gray75 Gray76 Gray77 Gray78 Gray79 Gray80 Gray81 Gray82
b9b8b6 bcbbba bebebc c1c1bf c3c4c2 c7c7c5 cacac9 cccccb
185-184-182 188-187-186 190-190-188 193-193-191 195-196-194 199-199-197 202-202-201 204-204-203
Gray83 Gray84 Gray85 Gray86 Gray87 Gray88 Gray89 Gray90
d0cfcf d2d2d1 d5d5d4 d7d7d7 dbdbd9 dddddc e0e0e0 e2e3e1
208-207-207 210-210-209 213-213-212 215-215-215 219-219-217 221-221-220 224-224-224 226-227-225
Gray91 Gray92 Gray93 Gray94 Gray95 Gray96 Gray97 Gray98
e5e6e4 e8e9e8 ebebea eeeeee f0f1f0 f4f4f3 f6f6f5 f9f9fa
229-230-228 232-233-232 235-235-234 238-238-238 240-241-240 244-244-243 246-246-245 249-249-250
Gray99 Green Green1 Green2 Green3 Green4 GreenYellow Honeydew
fbfbfb 00ff00 5ffb17 59e817 4cc417 347c17 b1fb17 f0feee
251-251-251 0-255-0 95-251-23 89-232-23 76-196-23 52-124-23 177-251-23 240-254-238
Honeydew2 Honeydew3 Honeydew4 HotPink HotPink1 HotPink2 HotPink3 HotPink4
deedbc bcc7b9 7a7d74 f660ab f665ab e45e9d c25283 7d2252
222-237-188 188-199-185 122-125-116 246-96-171 246-101-171 228-94-157 194-82-131 125-34-82
IndianRed IndianRed1 IndianRed2 IndianRed3 IndianRed4 Ivory Ivory2 Ivory3
5e2217 f75d59 e55451 c24641 7e2217 ffffee ececdc c9c7b9
94-34-23 247-93-89 229-84-81 194-70-65 126-34-23 255-255-238 236-236-220 201-199-185
Ivory4 Khaki Khaki1 Khaki2 Khaki3 Khaki4 Lavender LavenderBlush
817d74 ada96e fff380 ede275 c9be62 827839 e3e4fa fdeef4
129-125-116 173-169-110 255-243-128 237-226-117 201-190-98 93-120-57 227-228-250 253-238-244
LavenderBlush2 LavenderBlush3 LavenderBlush4 LawnGreen LemonChiffon LemonChiffon2 LemonChiffon3 LemonChiffon4
ebdde2 c8bbbe 817679 87f717 fff8c6 ece5b6 c9c299 827b60
235-221-226 200-187-190 129-118-121 135-247-23 255-140-198 236-229-182 201-194-153 130-123-96
LightBlue LightBlue1 LightBlue2 LightBlue3 LightBlue4 LightCoral LightCyan LightCyan2
addfff bdedff afdcec 95b9c7 5e767e e77471 e0ffff cfecec
173-223-255 189-237-255 175-220-236 149-185-199 94-118-126 231-116-113 224-255-255 207-236-236
LightCyan3 LightCyan4 LightGoldenrod LightGoldenrod1 LightGoldenrod2 LightGoldenrod3 LightGoldenrod4 LtGldnrdYellow
afc7c7 717d7d ecd872 ffe87c ecd672 c8b560 817339 faf8cc
175-199-199 113-125-125 236-216-114 255-232-124 236-214-114 200-181-96 129-115-57 250-248-204
LightPink LightPink1 LightPink2 LightPink3 LightPink4 LightSalmon LightSalmon2 LightSalmon3
faafba f9a7b0 e799a3 c48189 7f4e52 f9966b e78a61 c47451
250-175-186 249-167-176 231-153-163 196-129-137 127-78-82 249-150-107 231-138-97 196-116-81
LightSalmon4 LightSeaGreen LightSkyBlue LightSkyBlue2 LightSkyBlue3 LightSkyBlue4 LightSlateBlue LightSlateGray
7f462c 3ea99f 82cafa a0cfec 87afc7 566d7e 736aff 6d7b8d
127-70-44 62-169-159 130-202-250 160-207-236 135-175-199 86-109-126 115-106-255 109-123-141
LightSteelBlue LightSteelBlue1 LightSteelBlue2 LightSteelBlue3 LightSteelBlue4 LightYellow LightYellow2 LightYellow3
728fce c6deff b7ceec 9aadc7 646d7e fffedc edebcb c9c7aa
114-143-206 198-222-255 183-206-236 154-173-199 100-109-126 255-254-220 237-235-203 201-199-170
LightYellow4 LimeGreen Linen Magenta Magenta1 Magenta2 Magenta3 Maroon
827d6b 41a317 f9eee2 ff00ff f43eff e238ec c031c7 810541
130-125-107 65-163-23 249-238-226 255-0-255 244-62-255 226-56-236 192-49-199 129-5-65
Maroon1 Maroon2 Maroon3 Maroon4 MedAquamarine MediumBlue MedForestGreen MedGoldenrod
f535aa e3319d c12283 7d0552 348781 152dc6 347235 ccb954
245-53-170 227-49-157 193-34-131 125-5-82 52-135-129 21-45-198 52-114-53 204-185-84
MediumOrchid MediumOrchid1 MediumOrchid2 MediumOrchid3 MediumOrchid4 MediumPurple MediumPurple1 MediumPurple2
b048b5 d462ff c45aec a74ac7 6a287e 8467d7 9e7bff 9172ec
176-72-181 212-98-255 196-90-236 167-74-199 106-40-126 132-103-215 158-123-255 145-114-236
MediumPurple3 MediumPurple4 MedSeaGreen MedSlateBlue MedSpringGreen MedTurquoise MedVioletRed MidnightBlue
7a5dc7 4e387e 306754 5e5a80 348017 48cccd ca226b 151b54
122-93-199 78-56-126 48-103-84 94-90-128 52-128-23 72-204-205 202-38-107 21-27-84
MintCream MistyRose MistyRose2 MistyRose3 MistyRose4 Moccasin NavajoWhite NavajoWhite2
f5fff9 fde1dd ead0cc c6afac 806f6c fde0ac fddaa3 eac995
245-255-249 253-225-221 234-208-204 198-175-172 128-111-108 253-224-172 253-218-163 234-201-149

The Imagination Factory • 15 Ionia Ave. SW, Suite 220 • Grand Rapids, MI 49503 • phone: 616.356.CLIK (2545) • fax: 616.356.2546 • email: Contact Us Online

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