The Imagination Factory

Site Launch: Kentwood Office Chicago

September 18th, 2015 by Ted Bailey

IFIblog_KOFC_smLooking to further distinguish themselves in Chicago’s very competitive market, existing client Kentwood Office Furniture, asked the Imagination Factory to spawn a similar, but different, site for the Chicago market.

It needed to continue the main Kentwood branding, but needed to establish its own unique presence in both that geographic market but in search as well.

And because it was splintering off the main site, it needed to do as little as possible to mess with the existing search positioning garnered over the years. With new great design and judcious use of 301 redirects, we were able to do just that.

Learn more at Kentwood Office Chicago

Site Launch: Bamboo Studio

June 29th, 2015 by Ted Bailey

IFIblog_BBS_smBamboo Studio is a fusion of paint party and asian cafe, bringing you the fun of learning to paint while sipping on Grand Rapids’ best bubble tea.

Cafe Boba came to the Imagination Factory to help them put together a site to 1) help explain the concept and 2) allow people to sign up online for paint parties, classes, and asian fusion meal/paint packages.

So we fused a gallery, a visual event calendar, and online ecommerce together to meet their needs – then made the whole thing mobile responsive.

Come visit the NEW Bamboo Studio and schedule your next paint party.

Ecommerce: Batter’s Up

March 15th, 2015 by Ted Bailey

ballsuites_2015So spring has been a bit slow in arriving to the midwest AGAIN this year, but that hasn’t stopped the minor league baseball clubs from their need to prepare for a whole new season of fans.

And its time for the Imagination Factory to come to bat. We have developed a fairly simple online menu system that accommodates each clubs unique offerings, calculates prices real-time as the fans select items, accounts for their unique tax structures and collects / emails the pertinent order information to the club’s catering team.

We have a few new clubs this season and a few of the old ones are are sporting nifty new logos and/or even new major league affiliations.

Site Launch: Automation Techniques

February 24th, 2015 by Ted Bailey

IFIblog_ATI_smSo… Where are you going to go when your hydraulic motor, pump or pneumatic component needs service or a part?

Automation Techniques, Inc., of course. ATI is the largest stocking distributor of industrial hydraulic pumps and pneumatic components in West Michigan. They carry a full line of hydraulic pumps, motors, valves, filters, hydraulic hoses, pneumatic tubing, couplings, fittings, controllers, end-of-arm-tooling products, electronics and more.

Find them at AT-MI.NET

Site Launch: Century Hardware

August 15th, 2014 by Ted Bailey

IFIblog_CHDWR_smWith a tradeshow looming, Century Hardware, unhappy with the limitations of their existing site, came to the Imagination Factory for help. Their list of wants was extensive.

The site needed to be mobile responsive and retina display friendly; it needed to have integrated ecommerce with multi-level wholesale/retail pricing as well as the ability to accept POs and generate invoices and accept credit card payments online; it needed to be able to restrict quantities for select products and provide control over the online customers (who can buy wholesale, at what rate, who can use POs, etc).

The site needed to allow users to filter the products against numerous criteria (including finish, function, style, size, etc.) and it needed to allow the user to save their own wishlist of items for later use; it also was to include a ‘find a dealer’ function and a interactive flip-book (both also mobile friendly); and oh yeah… it eventually needs to be multi-lingual ready (with chinese and spanish targeted languages).

Quite a tall order, but you may visit Century’s new site and see it in action.

Ecommerce: Buy Me Some Peanuts and Cracker Jack

February 21st, 2014 by Ted Bailey

SOCS_2014The snow’s not off the ground yet for many of us ‘northerners’, but all around the country the 2014 minor league baseball season is taking shape. And once again, the Imagination Factory is being asked to come out of the dugout.

A few years ago we began developing a web application called “SOCS” (suite online catering system). Designed to allow baseball fans who have rented a game day suite, also order online from their club’s catering menu. SOCS is customized for each participating club, it calculates subtotals, figures out the tax unique to each club and determines the service fee/tip if necessary, then sends the chef their order.

This year we’ve added a few more clubs to the IFI SOCS family. If your favourite ball club doesn’t offer it yet, have them contact us at the Imagination Factory.

Site Launch: TreeOps 360

January 17th, 2014 by Ted Bailey

TreeOps 360Just in time for the Huntin’ Time Expo in Grand Rapids, MI, these two inventors and StartGarden seed fund recipients were finally able to take the wraps off their website AND their innovative product for bow hunters and bird watchers.

TreeOps 360, by ArborCon, is simply the most unique and advantageous product to enter the outdoors market in years. The TreeOps 360 provides you the amazing ability to silently pivot 210 degrees around the tree and be able to rotate, while seated, to shoot the trees’ entire 360 degree perimeter.

To bring their story and product to light, they sought out the Imagination Factory. We delivered this mobile responsive, simple ecommerce site for the bow hunter to pre-order their revolutionary tree-stand.

Visit TreeOps 360 and get yours!

Site Launch: Robo-Tool Inc

October 28th, 2013 by Ted Bailey

IFIblog_RTISo… Where are you going to go when your robot loses a finger? or the ‘suck’ is gone from its suction? or you need a whole different set of robot end of arm tools to take on a new manufacturing job?

Robo-Tool, of course.

Long time supplier of robotic end of arm tooling, Robo-Tool, asked the Imagination Factory to make a new site that was easier to navigate, mobile and search friendly and could support e-commerce. We were happy to comply.

Visit Robo-Tool

The Imagination Factory • 15 Ionia Ave. SW, Suite 220 • Grand Rapids, MI 49503 • phone: 616.356.CLIK (2545) • fax: 616.356.2546 • email: Contact Us Online

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