The Imagination Factory

Site Launch: National Personnel Associates

December 28th, 2014 by Ted Bailey

IFIblog_NPAWX_smLong-time client (since 2006), NPA WorldWide, sat across the conference table from us and said, “We help employers find unicorns and we need another more public site to tell that story… to employers and to the unicorns (that legendary perfect employee) they seek.”

The Imagination Factory had already helped them develop much of their web site support structure for their member recruiters, so where better to go but the folks that ‘build unicorns (those mythical perfect web sites)’? We upgraded the old site, put a common back-end administration structure for both and brought the new site design online.

Visit NPA Worldwide Works

Site Launch: Southeast Technical

April 2nd, 2014 by Ted Bailey

IFIblog_SET_smSoutheast Technical, in South Carolina, specializes in the Process and Fabrication industries. Mechanical, Electrical, Industrial & Chemical Engineers. Positions range from Process Engineers to Plant Managers and Chemists to Scientists.

Southeast Technical has a proven track record in matching the client company’s needs with the needs of the candidate. Their philosophy is to make sure the candidate and the family’s needs are compatible with that of the company’s culture and location.

In looking to have their website developed, they came to Michigan and the Imagination Factory. Our proven track record of working with other personnel recruiters across the country and a philosophy of ensuring that our clients’ website tell their story in the best way possible, made us a good fit.

Visit Southeast Technical Recruiters

Site Launch: Genie Matthews

September 24th, 2012 by Ted Bailey

Genie MatthewsGenie Matthews & Associates learned about IFI’s services through an organization, National Personnel Associates (also an IFI client), of which they are a member. We re-vamped the NPA website a while ago, so when Genie Matthews was ready for a re-vamp of their own, they contacted us.

We were able to refresh the look, put them into a CMS (content managed structure) so they could manage the site pages themselves, and make the site mobile- friendly and search engine optimized.

Visit Genie Matthews

Site Launch: The Anderson Search Group

August 30th, 2011 by Keldrick Brown

We are proud to announce that we are all giving up the design life to follow the trail of gold into executive banking and wealth management… Well, we might not be the desired candidates, but we did build a great new site for The Anderson Search Group to attract qualified candidates for positions in Global Banking & Markets; Public Finance; Asset & Wealth Management.

Visit Anderson Search Group

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