The Imagination Factory

Site Launch: Trinitas Classical School

January 29th, 2016 by Ted Bailey

IFIblog_TCS_smTrinitas Classical School joins with parents to provide the very best in Christian classical education with an approach to education that is distinctive because it is multi-directional. It looks to the past and the present to prepare students for the future.

Trinitas needed an update web presence that would reflect their rich classical environment and yet take advantage of newer web and user technologies for the future. So they took a lesson from history. They looked back to the early days of the web and discovered the Imagination Factory had been there all along developing websites for clients of all sizes and types.

Trinitas put team IFI to work developing a mobile-responsive, content managed structure (CMS) with private student-specific content including newsletters, homework assignments, and event calendar.

Learn more at Trinitas Classical School

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